Children Dentistry 101: All You Need to Know

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Children Dentistry 101: All You Need to Know

Oct 29, 2020

Did you know children are more predisposed to dental cavities than adults? That is why taking care of your child’s teeth is critical, not only to their dental health but also overall wellness.

It is vital to have a pediatric dentist as part of your child’s healthcare team. Why? Because they can maintain your child’s oral health and ensure their teeth and dental structure develops well. In this post, our dental team answers some of the common questions about getting children dentistry in Calgary, AB services.

Why Get a Pediatric Dentist Vs. Family Dentist?

Having a family dentist is great because it means all your family members are sorted out. However, if you have babies and toddlers, it is advisable to take them to a pediatric dentist, and here is why. Pediatric dentists receive a two-year post-dental training to learn about the different dental problems affecting children from infancy to adolescence.

Additionally, they are trained on a child’s behavioral development. This means they are well able to keep your child calm during a dental procedure (a vital skill to have). Furthermore, they focus on preventive rather than curative and help to maintain your child’s dental health.

How Often Should Your Child Visit the Dentist?

We recommend getting children’s dentistry services in Calgary as soon as the first tooth comes out or right before their birthday. This gives our dentist a chance to detect any abnormal dental growth and address them on time.

Your child’s first dental visit is crucial as it sets the pace for the rest of the dental appointments. It is, therefore, crucial to prepare and ensure the process is smooth for your child. The visit is often short, lasting for about 30 minutes. During this time, the dentist will examine the gums and clean than using a soft cloth.

After that, you need to bring your child for an assessment every six months, although the dentist can request frequent dental visits if there is a problem that needs addressing.

Why Are Baby Teeth Important?

The primary teeth preserve the space for the permanent ones. If they prematurely fall off, chances of the permanent teeth emerging crooked are very high. It is, therefore, crucial to have proper dental practices to preserve them.

The baby teeth form while the baby is still a fetus but come out through the gum from six months, though some children may develop them earlier at three months. The first set of teeth are usually the bottom incisors, followed by the upper four teeth. The baby teeth come out symmetrically, meaning both teeth on the left and right come out simultaneously.

Not only do they preserve the space for the permanent teeth, but they also maintain the face symmetry as well as support your child’s speech.

What Pediatric Treatments Do You Offer?

Before you seek out children’s dentistry near you, it is important to know the kind of service you will get. At Sedona Dental, we offer different pediatric dental services among them:

  • Oral exams and cleaning
  • We offer preventive dental treatment, such as fluoride treatments and dental sealants. These are plastic coatings applied on the teeth to shield them from bacteria and cavities. The dentist might also recommend pediatric dental crowns if the primary teeth are at risk of developing cavities.
  • Habit counseling, such as thumb-sucking.
  • Early treatments such as interceptive dental care for correcting the bite problems
  • We also discuss developmental milestones, proper nutrition, and teething.
  • Diagnosing and treatment of dental diseases like gum infections
  • Emergency dental services
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How Can You Maintain Proper Dental Hygiene?

Oral health starts at home, and it is what you do that will affect your child’s teeth and gums in the long run. Here are a few tips to use:

  • Wipe the gums every day with a wet, soft cloth, especially after breastfeeding.
  • Start using a soft-bristled and kid-friendly toothbrush as soon as the first tooth comes out.
  • Incorporate fluoride toothpaste when the child turns two years

Finally, ensure you visit Sedona Dental for regular dental assessment and cleaning to keep the gums clean and free of plaques.

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