What Can We Do to Stop the Unbearable Tooth Pain?

It may be difficult to understand the degree of pain one experiences if you have never suffered from a toothache. Tooth pain can be unsettling because it impacts the surrounding areas of the oral cavity. A single toothache can cause jaw pain, ear pain, a headache, among other problems. Therefore, do not postpone reaching out to a dentist for emergency dentistry in Calgary, AB, to receive treatment.

Understanding Tooth Pain

In many cases, tooth pain emanates from a problematic tooth that causes a sharp, dull, or throbbing persistent pain. That is the typical definition of a toothache. However, tooth pain does not necessarily have to spring from a specific tooth. You can experience pain if you have damaged gums or an aching jaw. The experience with these types of pain is a bit different from that of a typical toothache.

What Causes of Toothaches?

A typical toothache occurs dues to the inflammation of the tooth pulp. It is the central part of a tooth, usually housing the nerve endings, connective tissues, blood vessels, and other soft tissues. Therefore, any factors that could trigger the inflammation of the tooth pulp can lead to tooth pain. At Sedona Dental, we have identified several factors that could lead to toothaches, including the following:

  1. Dental decay – tooth decay is the most common reason for toothache. The damage begins when a cavity develops on a tooth that creates access for bacteria to penetrate the inside layers of teeth.
  2. Dental trauma – cavities are not the only way your inner tooth layers can suffer damage. External impact on your face can result in tooth fractures. A crack, chip, or break can lead to severe toothache.
  3. Tooth loss – no matter how you lose your tooth, you will experience discomfort as it detaches from the socket in the jawbone. Tooth loss can look like tooth extraction in emergency dental care, a knocked-out tooth, or a dislodged tooth.
  4. Foreign objects stuck between teeth – for example, a popcorn hull stuck in the gum line.
  5. Jaw-related complications – sometimes, pain can emanate from the surrounding areas of your mouth, building up around a tooth to cause tooth pain. It is typical for patients suffering from sinuses infections, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), and periodontitis.

What Is Considered to Be a Dental Emergency?

Ideally, any toothache should be handled as an urgent dental problem. Many dental problems that necessitate urgent dental care cause unbearable pain. Therefore, a toothache should always be treated as a dental emergency. Other factors you should consider when terming an oral problem as urgent are:

  1. Degree of bleeding – prolonged or heavy bleeding should be reported to a dentist immediately.
  2. The severity of swelling – noticeable swelling that keeps spreading to other parts of the face is an alarming matter.
  3. Missing tooth – if the dental pain is due to tooth loss, contact a dentist near you immediately.

How Do I Stop My Tooth from Excruciating Pain?

If you are experiencing dental pain, make haste to contact a dentist for urgent dental care. It is necessary to ensure your oral health does not deteriorate further as you try to endure the pain. However, while at home, a couple of things can help stop your excruciating pain before you get to the nearest dental clinics. They include:

  1. Take over-the-counter pain medication – pain relievers are incredible at suppressing pain. However, they are not a permanent solution to your toothache. Instead, use the medicine to help you alleviate the pain so you can sleep as you arrange to visit your dentist.
  2. Cold compress – place an ice pack against the ailing side of the cheek to alleviate swelling and reduce the intensity of your aching.
  3. Gargle saltwater – helps dislodge any food particles and debris struck between your teeth. Besides, saltwater is incredible at destroying active bacteria that may be accelerating your tooth pain.
  4. Rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide – it can help relieve pain and inflammation.
  5. Watch what you eat – only eat cool foods. Too high or too low temperatures will aggravate your pain.