Tooth Extractions and Oral Health: How It Can Affect Your Smile

Tooth extractions in Calgary are performed under local anesthesia; sometimes, sedation may also be used to relax you.

The process typically begins with thoroughly evaluating the tooth’s condition using X-rays or other diagnostic tools. The dentist carefully loosens the tooth and gently removes it from the socket using specialized instruments like forceps or elevators.

After extraction, the dentist may clean the socket and provide instructions for post-operative care, such as biting on gauze to control bleeding and applying ice packs to reduce swelling. The socket will gradually heal over time, and the dentist may schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process and discuss any necessary dental restorations or tooth replacements.

Reasons For Tooth Extractions And Their Impact On Oral Health

Several factors can lead to tooth removal, and they include:

  • Tooth decay

Tooth decay is a common dental issue caused by plaque and bacteria buildup, destroying its enamel and underlying layers. The bacteria can progress and reach the tooth’s pulp, causing severe pain and infection. Sometimes, tooth decay may be so advanced that extraction becomes necessary.

  • Gum disease

Gum disease is the inflammation of the gingivae. If not treated promptly, it can progress from mild gingivitis to more severe stages, causing damage to the gums, bone loss, and potential tooth loss. In advanced stages of gum disease, tooth extraction may be necessary to eliminate the infection and preserve oral health.

Tooth extraction in cases of gum disease is typically performed when the affected tooth becomes loose. After extraction, the dentist may recommend gum disease treatment to address the underlying infection and promote the healing of the gums.

  • Trauma

Trauma to the mouth or facial area can result in significant damage to the teeth, including fractures, dislodgement, or avulsion (complete displacement) of a tooth from its socket. In severe trauma where the tooth cannot be saved or repaired, tooth extraction may be necessary. Tooth extraction due to trauma aims to remove the damaged or compromised tooth to prevent further complications and promote healing. The extraction process will depend on the specific nature and severity of the trauma, and it may involve using special tools and techniques to remove the affected tooth safely.

  • Impacted teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to various complications, including pain, infection, adjacent teeth damage, and misaligning the bite. In such cases, tooth extraction is often recommended. The extraction process for impacted wisdom teeth involves a surgical procedure that may require a dentist near you to remove any bone obstructing access to the impacted tooth.

The tooth is then carefully extracted, and the incision is stitched closed. Following the extraction, appropriate aftercare instructions are provided, including pain management, oral hygiene guidelines, and dietary restrictions. Removing impacted wisdom teeth can prevent future problems and alleviate current symptoms.

Managing Pain And Discomfort After A Tooth Extraction

The first step in managing pain after a tooth extraction is to take pain medication as prescribed by your dentist or oral surgeon. However, it is important to follow your dentist’s instructions and not exceed the recommended dosage.

  • Avoiding hard, crunchy, or chewy foods can also help prevent further pain or discomfort.
  • Avoid using a straw, as it can break the blood clot.
  • Get plenty of rest to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Contact your dentist in Calgary if you experience severe pain and excessive bleeding.

How Smoking Can Affect Healing After A Tooth Extraction And Overall Oral Health

Smoking can have a significant impact on oral health and can impair the healing process after tooth extraction. Nicotine can cause damage to the tissues in the gums and jawbone. This can lead to delayed healing after tooth extraction and a higher risk of infection and complications. Additionally, smoking can predispose you to gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer.


Tooth extractions can significantly impact your smile and overall oral health. Whether it’s due to severe decay, gum disease, trauma, or the removal of wisdom teeth, tooth extraction can leave a gap and potentially affect the alignment and aesthetics of surrounding teeth. However, with proper oral care and considering tooth replacement options like implants, you can restore your smile’s function and appearance. It’s crucial to consult with a skilled and experienced dentist who can provide personalized care and guidance throughout the extraction process.

Visit Sedona Dental for more information about tooth extraction procedures and recovery.