Are Routine Dental Cleanings Necessary?

Many people ignore their dental needs because of the perception that oral health is less important. However, many of you are unaware that chances of getting oral cancer and cardiovascular complications are higher for individuals who don’t practice good oral hygiene and hardly go for regular dental checkups. That is because your mouth has naturally occurring bacteria which is harmful if left to accumulate to very high levels. In this article, we have highlighted the benefits of dental cleaning and why it’s important to go for routine dental visits.

What Is Dental Cleaning?

Dental cleaning is a procedure used to remove tartar and plaque from the tooth surface. Our dentist in SE Calgary recommends regular dental cleaning as it plays a major role in preventing dental diseases such as cavities and gingivitis.

Types of Dental Cleaning

Scaling and Root Planing Cleaning

Scaling and root planing cleaning, better known as deep cleaning, is a dental cleaning procedure used to treat gingivitis and periodontitis. The process allows for deep cleaning of teeth and includes the removal of gum pockets. Depending on the severity of your periodontitis, multiple appointments may be necessary to ensure proper cleaning. Root planing allows us to smoothen your tooth roots and eliminate gum pockets, thus helping in gum reattachment. Scaling is also an important part of this procedure as it removes bacteria from your teeth and reduces gum inflammation.

Gross Debridement Cleaning

Gross debridement cleaning is a very thorough tooth cleaning procedure commonly used to clean teeth with calculus. Patients scheduled for this procedure tend to have the worst tartar and plaque accumulation cases, mainly caused by bad oral hygiene. Since calculus is difficult to remove, your dentist will need to use an ultrasonic device combined with prophylaxis dental cleaning to ensure you have the best cosmetic results.

Periodontal Maintenance Cleaning

Like scaling and root planning, periodontal maintenance cleaning is used to treat or prevent gum disease through the removal of plaque and tartar from the tooth surface. Since gum disease tends to worsen with time, periodontal maintenance cleaning needs to be performed more often than scaling and rooting cleaning.

Prophylaxis Dental Cleaning

Prophylaxis dental cleaning is used to prevent dental diseases such as tooth decay by eradicating plaque and tartar from your teeth. To do this efficiently, your dentist will use a dental scalar to access and clean both the front and back of your teeth. Unlike gross debridement cleaning, prophylaxis dental cleaning is often used on patients who don’t have calcified tartar.

What to Expect During a Dental Exam

Your dentist will have to inspect your mouth before they can start dental cleaning. The physical exam will be conducted with the help of a small mirror to locate tartar, gingivitis, or other dental problems you may have. When done with the inspection, your dentist will recommend one of the dental cleaning methods discussed above, depending on your dental needs.

Advantages of Dental Cleaning

It Improves Your Smile

Bad oral hygiene can lead to staining of teeth. These stains cause discoloration of your teeth and could make you feel embarrassed to laugh or smile in public. When you go for dental exams & cleanings in Calgary, AB, your dentist can use dental cleaning to polish off the stains from your teeth, thus giving you a bright and confident smile.

Prevents Tooth Cavities

Tooth cavity caused by the accumulation of bacteria inside your mouth eats away your tooth enamel and results in tooth loss. To reduce the chances of getting a tooth cavity, you must clean off leftover food particles through brushing and flossing regularly. Since some food particles are difficult to remove, regular dental cleanings may be necessary to remove plaque completely.

Reduces Bad Breath

Bad breath could negatively impact your daily relations with coworkers and friends. In most cases, people will avoid sitting close to you, which could negatively impact your mental and emotional health. To prevent or eliminate bad breath, brush your teeth twice a day and visit a dentist office near you for dental cleaning.

Detection of Oral Health Problems

Apart from gingivitis, other serious health problems could be detected by your dentist when you go for dental cleaning. Oral cancer, which is a good example, is treatable when discovered during its early stages. Make sure you go for routine dental cleanings as it could lead to prevention or early detection of serious health issues.


The benefits of practicing good oral hygiene and going for routine dental cleaning are endless. Therefore, you must visit your dentist regularly to avoid oral complications in the future. At Sedona Dental, we have a multilingual team to provide the best dental services to our patients. Our utilization of 3d technology allows us to bring comprehensive care to all our patients. Visit us today for general and emergency dental care; we are open every day of the week, including Saturdays and Sundays.